Choose your path
to blockchain-based traceability.
To play in a data-driven food supply chain, you’ll need to track products in real-time, automate audits, and participate fluently in a digitized ecosystem. These goals are perfectly practical with solutions designed by agribusiness insiders to meet you where you are today and grow with you into the future.
Work with your existing systems—not against them. Our configurable suite of transparency tools are built to complement your in-house IT stack. Leverage the data you already create as a byproduct of your day-to-day operations to gain visibility and avoid disruption. It’s a light install for rapid ROI.

Food Twin Generator
Gain visibility today. Get blockchain-ready for tomorrow.
Free to qualified organizations

Includes integration support
The Food Twin Generator converts your unstructured food data into standardized digital twins—automatically. Through a live dashboard, you’ll gain a new level of visibility into your agribusiness operations. At the same time, you will lay the digital groundwork to keep pace in a rapidly changing food supply chain. No specialized IT skills or resources required. Implementation takes as little as 3 weeks.

Automatically converts unstructured data into an interoperable, GS1 EPCIS-compatible data standard

Compatible with any 3rd-party or homegrown data source (integration support included)

Displays information through a dashboard for real-time analysis

Creates a digital representation of your production and throughput for internal analysis

Keeps data secure and accessible through user permissions

Delivers practical, immediate value from the digital twinning of food

Free for 30 days
SaaS pricing based on number of audits

LiveAudit provides real-time, comprehensive quality assurance and supplier analysis for agribusiness operations. Go beyond intermittent, manual audits. Adopt a continuous digital auditing solution that proactively checks compliance of each batch. With the same tool, vet suppliers in just a few clicks to see how well they match your requirements. LiveAudit automatically verifies any product spec or supplier attribute you wish to define to ensure safety and customer satisfaction. It’s easy to deploy, easy to use, and offers instant efficiencies for your quality management team.

Analyzes products and suppliers for compliance with configurable specs

Runs fully automated, 24/7, digital audits

Audits 20x more volume than a manual auditor

Leverages data generated by existing systems

Displays compliance status in real time on a management dashboard

Allows user-defined configurable specs

Keeps data secure and accessible through user permissions

Offers blockchain-validated spec reports in a client-friendly format

Keeps data secure and accessible through user permissions

Compatible with any 3rd-party or homegrown data source
$240k in product recalls
$200k in product downgrading
$25k in lost produts

Follow the food for true end-to-end traceability
SaaS pricing based on product volume

Includes training & integration support
LiveTrack offers real-time, batch-level traceability for food supply chain managers. Most track-and-trace tools try to analyze product flow by monitoring the links in a system. Instead, LiveTrack follows the food to accurately map the real-time, real-world journeys of ingredients and finished products. Quickly uncover opportunities for supply chain efficiencies. Keep pace with changing food safety regulations. Mitigate the risk of recalls with batch-level insight.

Maps the ground truth of the supply chain
and product life cycle by following the food

Posts transactions automatically to
the blockchain

Adds transaction and manufacturing data automatically to digital twins

Leverages data generated by existing systems

Displays routes of all batches through the supply chain

Displays details of each stage of the product life cycle

Allows users to manage events along the product life cycle

Facilitates upstream and downstream traceability exercises

Build confidence and loyalty with transparency

Includes training & integration support
LiveScan offers a simple way for food brands to connect with consumers using dynamic data. By scanning the label, consumers explore batch-level, consumer-friendly details about the real history of a food product. Food system transparency builds consumer confidence and loyalty. Consumers want proof, not just another brand story.

Presents relevant, dynamic, batch-level data in a consumer-friendly format

Allows brand managers to configure the web app’s look and feel

Offers the source, certifications, transfer dates, sustainability metrics, and more food product details

CSR Analyzer
See your end-to-end impact in real-time

Includes training & integration support
CSR Analyzer automatically calculates Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), sustainability, and other Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) metrics based on real-time, end-to-end supply chain data. Easily generate robust stakeholder reports on the carbon footprint, water usage, labor practices, supplier certifications, and other benchmarks of your CSR goals. Improve transparency and accountability to remain relevant in a values-driven marketplace.

Allows users to define and configure sustainability metrics

Enables analysis by product, supplier, and supply chain

Offers blockchain-validated reports in an investor-friendly format


Includes training & integration support

Presents relevant, dynamic, batch-level source details

Leverages data generated by existing systems

Post a single QR code to show “what’s in store today”

Food Twin Exchange

Includes training & integration support

Food Twin Exchange is a space for agribusinesses to buy and sell access to food product data on the blockchain. Suppliers engage with downstream partners who value ingredients of integrity with the data to back it up. Buyers connect with upstream partners who can meet their specifications and provide usable food data on Day 1. Connect to an ecosystem of suppliers, manufacturers, and distributors that understand the value of food transparency.

Event histories of digital twins retained inside each other after merging

Human-legible digital twins

May be used to supplement or initiate existing physical transactions

Food Twin Generator
Gain visibility today.
Get blockchain-ready for tomorrow.
Free to qualified organizations

Includes integration support
The Food Twin Generator converts your unstructured food data into standardized digital twins—automatically. Through a live dashboard, you’ll gain a new level of visibility into your agribusiness operations. At the same time, you will lay the digital groundwork to keep pace in a rapidly changing food supply chain. No specialized IT skills or resources required. Implementation takes as little as 3 weeks.

Free to qualified organizations
SaaS pricing based on product volume

Includes integration support
LiveAudit provides real-time, comprehensive quality assurance and supplier analysis for agribusiness operations. Go beyond intermittent, manual audits. Adopt a continuous digital auditing solution that proactively checks compliance of each batch. With the same tool, vet suppliers in just a few clicks to see how well they match your requirements. LiveAudit automatically verifies any product spec or supplier attribute you wish to define to ensure safety and customer satisfaction. It’s easy to deploy, easy to use, and offers instant efficiencies for your quality management team.

Follow the food for true end-to-end traceability
SaaS pricing based on product volume

Includes integration support
LiveTrack offers real-time, batch-level traceability for food supply chain managers. Most track-and-trace tools try to analyze product flow by monitoring the links in a system. Instead, LiveTrack follows the food to accurately map the real-time, real-world journeys of ingredients and finished products. Quickly uncover opportunities for supply chain efficiencies. Keep pace with changing food safety regulations. Mitigate the risk of recalls with batch-level insight.

Build confidence and loyalty with transparency
SaaS pricing based on number
of QR codes

Includes integration support
LiveScan offers a simple way for food brands to connect with consumers using dynamic data. By scanning the label, consumers explore batch-level, consumer-friendly details about the real history of a food product. Food system transparency builds consumer confidence and loyalty. Consumers want proof, not just another brand story.

CSR Analyzer
See your end-to-end impact in real-time

Includes integration support
CSR Analyzer automatically calculates Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), sustainability, and other Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) metrics based on real-time, end-to-end supply chain data. Easily generate robust stakeholder reports on the carbon footprint, water usage, labor practices, supplier certifications, and other benchmarks of your CSR goals. Improve transparency and accountability to remain relevant in a values-driven marketplace.

See your end-to-end impact in real-time
SaaS pricing based on number
of products

Includes integration support
GroceryLink is a simple way for retailers to show shoppers exactly where their unpackaged produce is sourced and spotlight your upstream farmers and producers. Bulk, loose, or unpackaged goods from multiple suppliers can be difficult to incorporate into a plan for transparency. With links to your existing retail management tools, batch-level food data is updated in real-time. Prove your commitment to transparency and ingredients of integrity. Show your shoppers exactly where their food is from through one simple QR code.

Food Twin Exchange
Buy and sell food data seamlessly with suppliers and customers.

Includes integration support
Food Twin Exchange is a space for agribusinesses to buy and sell access to food product data on the blockchain. Suppliers engage with downstream partners who value ingredients of integrity with the data to back it up. Buyers connect with upstream partners who can meet their specifications and provide usable food data on Day 1. Connect to an ecosystem of suppliers, manufacturers, and distributors that understand the value of food transparency.

Food confidence platform

What's a food confidence platform?
A system fueled by digital twins on the blockchain that’s rebuilding confidence in the food supply chain through transparency —not blind trust. In a perfect world, everyone would be 100% confident in the end-to-end network of systems that produce the world’s food. With digitally validated proof, we can get there.